Winter season got us craving some smells that reminds us of winter and a festive mood in general. So what's more than cinnamon, orange, pomegranate, the smokey smell from the fireplace, freshly baked gingerbread cookies and roasted chestnuts!
And what if we told you, you could make your own potpourri to get such smell around the house.
We decided to show you an easy and fun way to create it. It's also no waste and environmentally friendly! Check it out:
Step 1:
Once you peel your fruit (oranges, mandarins, lemons or any kind of citrus) put the peels into a sauce pan or save them for later (for this potpourri!)
Step 2:
When you're ready to create your potpourri make sure to have:
Your fruit peels
Pomegranate oil extract or some fresh if you have any
Just a tiny bit of chamomile
Cinammon sticks
A little bit of ginger
And of course water!
Step 3:
Put all the ingredients in the saucepan along with some water and let it come to a boil state then simmer until all the smells unravel in your house.
PSA* you can always mix and much, we have some few more things you could add in your potpourri:
Eucalyptus extract oil
Star anise
you can always reuse the same pot until the fruit and spices release all the smell they can