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Conquering Exam Anxiety: Your Ultimate Guide to Slay Your Exams With No Fear

This goes for the uni warriors that have exams soon and anxiety is building up. We get you, it's quite relatable. But fear not! We've got your back.

We have the ultimate guide to whisk the anxiety away and replace it with a good and healthy mindset. So, buckle up, embrace the adventure, and let's conquer those exams with a smile!


Create an easy and fun study game where you earn points or a small snack for each topic you master


a. Dance Breaks:

It might sound ridiculous for some, but it really works! Try and take some short breaks during study sessions and crank up your favorite upbeat tunes.

b. Laugh Therapy:

Laughter is the best medicine, especially during stressful times, and even if you don't feel like laughing, fake smiling/laughing is triggering your muscles that send the necessary information to your brain to trigger some dopamine and serotonin.

c. Pausing:

Sometimes taking a small break is not as bad as it sounds. Close your books, take a deep breath. Engage in meditation or maybe try some deep breathing exercises.


Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Surround yourself with a supportive and positive study group.

a. Organize Study Sessions:

Get together with your friends to review materials, and share knowledge. Helping eachother out helps you grasp on concepts better.

b. Share the Laughs: Incorporate study breaks where you bond over fun activities like playing charades, sharing hilarious stories, or even having a mini talent show. It boosts morale and creates lasting memories.


A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Nourish yourself with brain-boosting foods and engage in physical activities.

a. Prepare Brain Food:

Snack on foods like nuts, seeds, fruits, and dark chocolate to give your brain a boost and also don't forget to stay hydrated with water!!

b. Sweat It Out:

Engage in physical activities. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, reduces stress, and enhances memory.

c. Power Naps:

Don't underestimate the power of a quick power nap. A short snooze can recharge your brain. (Just set an alarm to avoid dozing off for too long xD)


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