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Could these 4 foods cause a delayed period? Myth or Fact?

We all heard that there could be some foods that could cause a late period. But how believable are these methods to the crowd? Today we will find out if they're a Myth or a Fact!

Lemon Juice:

As we all know, lemon juice is a highly acidic food, and it's one of the book's most popular and well-known methods. Foods that are so high in acids could cause some inflammation or pain in your stomach region, -like intestines-, and your general oral region.

But is it "delayed period" approved?

The fact is that it's not. It's not scientifically proven that lemon juice could delay your menstrual cycle since no evidence supports it. But if you're willing to try it out, just add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of water.

Let us know if this actually works for you!

Cinnamon Tea:

Another known method is drinking a warm cup of cinnamon tea. This tea could also offer the benefits of weight loss, improve heart health and reduce inflammation and blood sugar.

Sounds amazing, doesn't it? Well, this is true!

Even though it's amazing fragrant and delicious, it can actually help in the reduction of menstrual cramps and help with heavy blood flow. It serves as a great and natural way to delay your period with no given side effects whatsoever.

Just add a single cinnamon stick to a cup of piping hot water and you're good to go! You might need to do this for a couple of days before you start noticing the changes.


Not only is this fruit cool and soothing throughout the hot summer weather but this is another method for a delayed period. It keeps you hydrated and improves your heart health as well as relieves muscle soreness.

Does this method actually work though? As a matter of fact, it does !

Just eat up at least a bowl of watermelon before your period (recommended to consume a week before it starts)


Just like watermelons, cucumbers are also cool and hydrating for the body as well as help with menstrual pain too. You can enjoy it as a salad or even mix it together with water as a detox drink. This vegetable can help keep your period away for a few more days.

Just consume it a week or two before and let the magic happen. Your period may start sometime later!

There are some downsides to using these methods to delay your period. Although these methods are safe to try yourself, there could be some side effects with them. Immoderate use of the methods mentioned above could lead to some digestive problems in the future. If you'd like to delay your period for any given reason, please turn to your personal doctor or gynecologist for advice and for some safer options.


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