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The GLORY of CHEAT DAYS: Why are they so important?

Everyone should adopt a healthy lifestyle. Even though maintaining this lifestyle is fantastic because it offers good health and many other advantages, it also necessitates balance. It's essential to keep in mind a proverb from Ancient Greece that has endured to the present day. "παν μέτρον άριστον" is a Greek word that translates to "all in good measure". You must maintain balance in everything you do in life.

Having cheat days is acceptable. You are making plans to go out to eat with your loved ones, skipping the gym, and simply taking some time to give your body the attention it needs. Your body has needs, so the smart move is to take a few days to go a little slower. Since cheat days affect your mind as well as your body, they should be considered guilt-free days.

You may be asking, how is this helping mentally anyway? Well, intentional slip-ups in self-control can eventually help you stick with your goals, and put you in a better mood. It increases your metabolism and ultimately increases your motivation. We tapped clinical dietitian Andri Tzioni to share her opinion. Check it out:

"A cheat day or a cheat meal? Maybe something daily to cheat your brain into thinking you are not on a diet is better than waiting for the weekend to cheat your diet? The idea behind the everyday cheat snack or meal is to help your brain understand that you can still be on a diet but also enjoy your favorite delicacy. You must be aware of your own strengths and limitations when it comes to these treats. To achieve an everyday cheat snack, you will need to learn the nutritional value of your food consumed throughout the day so you can decide whether you could eat a “cheat”. This means you will need to take classes regarding nutritional value, label reading, calculating calories, and serving size and count. Also, there is the option of treating yourself with a cheat meal by choosing the healthier option. For example, rather than choosing a hamburger with fried egg, bacon, cheese, and fries, you could choose the turkey cheeseburger with salad and sweet potato chips. You still get the cheat meal but as a healthier option. It is a win-win for the brain and your body figure! Each model should always be followed in conjunction with your dietitian, who can advise and teach you about the best time and option for a cheat snack or meal."

Clinical Dietitian, MSc, BSc


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